Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Woodworking In America 2012 MidWest In Photos

Woodworking in America 2012 Midwest was a great event this year. Though the community seemed slightly split by having two (2) venues this year, we still managed to have a blast in Cincinnati. We took classes, hawked the MWA to anyone that would listen and, of course, hung out with our woodworking friends (both new and old).
Yep, Mike brought a log to a bar.
In the coming days and weeks, we'll be assembling a podcast of interviews we made with many of the lecturers from WIA2012 Midwest. In the mean time, check the links below to see the full Modern Woodworkers Association photo galleries of the weekend.

We used the photo sharing capabilities of Google+ Events to set up events for our Thursday night get together and the conference itself. Through the Events, anyone who was invited (everyone who follows the Modern Woodworkers Association on Google+) was able to upload all of the photos they took during the event to a communal album.
Thursday nights festivities
On Thursday night, Sean Wisniewski and Dyami Plotke contributed photos to the album you can find here.
We came, we saw, we sat on Megan's bench.
For the full event, Jeff Waggoner, Sean Wisniewski, Nik Brown and Dyami Plotke contributed photos. The full event album is here.


  1. Mike brought a log to a bar? Really? I remember last year the joke was to include a safety pylon in the photos, but why a log?


    1. We played a game on the log, hitting nails in with a stupidly small hammer. It was unbelievably attractive to women in bars.
